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MC14499P Fiches technique(PDF) 3 Page - Motorola, Inc |
MC14499P Fiches technique(HTML) 3 Page - Motorola, Inc |
3 / 8 page MC14499 MOTOROLA 3 CIRCUIT OPERATION The circuit accepts a 20–bit input, 16 bits for the four–digit display plus 4 bits for the decimal point — these latter four bits are optional. The input sequence is the decimal point code followed by the four digits, as shown in Figure 1. In order to enter data the enable input, ENB, must be ac- tive low. The sample and shift are accomplished on the fal- ling clock edge, see Figure 2. Data are loaded from the shift register to the latches when ENB goes high. While the shift register is being loaded, the previous data are stored in the latches. If the decimal point is used, the system requires 20 clock pulses to load data; otherwise only 16 are required. CASCADING The circuit may be cascaded in the following manner. If a 1111 word is loaded into the decimal point latch, the output of the shift register is switched to the decimal point driver, see Figure 3. Therefore, to cascade n four–digit dis- play drivers, a set–up is used which loads the 1111 cascad- ing word: 1. ENB = active low. 2. Load 20 bits, the first four bits being 1, with 20 clock pulses. 3. ENB = high, to load the latch. 4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 (n – 1) times. 5. (n x 20) bits can be loaded into n circuits, with 1111 as decimal point word to continue the cascading. SCANNER The scanner frequency is determined by an on–chip oscil- lator, which requires an external frequency–determining ca- pacitor. The capacitor voltage varies between two trigger levels at the oscillator frequency. An external oscillator signal can be used, within the recom- mended operating range of 200 to 800 Hz. For test purposes this frequency may be increased up to 10 kHz. A divide by four counter provides four non–overlapping scanner waveforms corresponding to the four digits — see Figure 4. SEGMENT DECODER The code used in these matrix decoders is shown in Fig- ure 5. OUTPUT DRIVERS There are two different drivers: • The segment and decimal point drivers; these are NPN emitter followers with no current limiting devices. • The digit output buffers; these are short–circuit protected CMOS devices. A typical application circuit is shown in Figure 6. Figure 1. Input Sequence 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 19 20 3 2 1 TIME SHIFT BIT NO. DIGIT IV DIGIT III DIGIT II DIGIT I DECIMAL POINT |
Numéro de pièce similaire - MC14499P |
Description similaire - MC14499P |
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