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PCM54HP Fiches technique(PDF) 1 Page - Texas Instruments |
PCM54HP Fiches technique(HTML) 1 Page - Texas Instruments |
1 / 10 page ![]() PCM54 PCM55 FEATURES q PARALLEL INPUT FORMAT q 16-BIT RESOLUTION q 15-BIT MONOTONICITY (typ) q –92dB TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (K Grade) q 3 µs SETTLING TIME (Voltage Out) q 96dB DYNAMIC RANGE q ±3V or ±1mA AUDIO OUTPUT q OPERATES ON ±5V (PCM55) TO ±12V (PCM54) SUPPLIES q 28-PIN DIP (PCM54) q 24-LEAD SOIC (PCM55) 16-Bit Monolithic DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS DESIGNED FOR AUDIO DESCRIPTION The PCM54 and PCM55 family of converters are parallel input, fully monotonic, 16-bit digital-to-ana- log converters that are designed and specified for digital audio applications. These devices employ ul- tra-stable nichrome (NiCr) thin-film resistors to pro- vide monotonicity, low distortion, and low differential linearity error (especially around bipolar zero) over long periods of time and over the full operating temperature. These converters are completely self-contained with a stable, low noise, internal, zener voltage reference; high speed current switches; a resistor ladder network; and a fast settling, low noise output opera- tional amplifier all on a single monolithic chip. The converters are operated using two power supplies that can range from ±5V (PCM55) to ±12V (PCM54). Power dissipation with ±5V supplies is typically less than 200mW. Also included is a provision for exter- nal adjustment of the MSB error (differential linearity error at bipolar zero, PCM54 only) to further improve Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) specifications if desired. A current output (I OUT) wiring option is provided. This output typically settles to within ±0.006% of FSR final value in 350ns (in response to a full-scale change in the digital input code). The PCM54 is packaged in 28-pin plastic DIP pack- age. The PCM55 is available in a 24-lead plastic mini- flatpak. 16-Bit Ladder Resistor Network and Current Switches Reference Voltage Parallel Digital Input R F Output Operational Amplifier Audio Output (Voltage) ® International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111 Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • FAXLine: (800) 548-6133 (US/Canada Only) • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132 ©1985 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-619B Printed in U.S.A. August, 1998 SBAS146 Not Recommended For New Designs |
Numéro de pièce similaire - PCM54HP |
Description similaire - PCM54HP |
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