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VRB3-D12-S9-DIP Fiches technique(PDF) 4 Page - CUI INC |
VRB3-D12-S9-DIP Fiches technique(HTML) 4 Page - CUI INC |
4 / 5 page ![]() cui.com CUI Inc │ SERIES: VRX3-DIP │ DESCRIPTION: DC-DC CONVERTER date 09/11/2012 │ page 4 of 5 1. Requirement on Output Load In order to ensure the product operates efficiently and reliably, make sure the specified range of input voltage is not exceeded and the minimum output load is not less than 10% load. If the actual load is less than the specified minimum load, the output ripple may increase sharply while its efficiency and reliability will reduce greatly. If the actual output power is very small, please add an appropriate resistor as extra loading. 2. Recommended Circuit All VRX3 converters have been tested according to the following recommended testing circuit before leaving the factory. This series should be tested under load, never under no load (Figure 1). However, the capacitance of the output filter capacitor must be proper. If the capacitance is too big, a startup problem might arise. For every channel of output, provided the safe and reliable operation is ensured, the greatest capacitance of its filter capacitor see (Table 1). General: 3. Input Current While using unstable power source, please ensure the output voltage and ripple voltage do not excced indexes of the converter. The preceding power source must be able to provide for converter sufficient starting current Ip. General: Ip ≤1.4*Iin-max 4. No parallel connection or plug and play DC DC Vin GND +Vo 0V Cin Cout Vin GND +Vo 0V Cin Cout DC DC -Vo Cout VRA3 Vout (Vdc) Cout (μF) VRB3 Vout (Vdc) Cout (μF) ±5 680 5 1,000 ±9 470 9 680 ±12 330 12 470 ±15 220 15 330 Table 1 APPLICATION NOTES Input Voltage (V) Inp ut Voltage Ra nge Ip Figure 1 Cin 5, 12 V 24, 48 V 100 μF 10 ~ 22 μF Cout 10 μF / 100 mA VRA3 VRB3 For more information, please visit the product page. |
Numéro de pièce similaire - VRB3-D12-S9-DIP |
Description similaire - VRB3-D12-S9-DIP |
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