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LT1220 Fiches technique(PDF) 6 Page - Linear Technology |
LT1220 Fiches technique(HTML) 6 Page - Linear Technology |
6 / 8 page 6 LT1220 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Large Signal, AV = 1 Small Signal, AV = 1 RG = 0 VS = ±15V VIN = 100mV f = 5MHz LT1220 • TPC19 RG = 0 VS = ±15V VIN = 20V f = 2MHz LT1220 • TPC20 Large Signal, AV = 1, CL = 10,000pF LT1220 • TPC21 VIN = 10V f = 20kHz RG = 0 VS = ±15V Small Signal, AV = –1 RF = RG = 1k VS = ±15V VIN = 100mV f = 5MHz LT1220 • TPC22 RF = RG = 1k VS = ±15V VIN = 20V f = 2MHz LT1220 • TPC23 LT1220 • TPC24 VIN = 200mV f = 200kHz RF = RG = 1k VS = ±15V Large Signal, AV = – 1 Small Signal, AV = – 1, CL = 1,000pF APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The LT1220 may be inserted directly into HA2505/15/25, HA2541/2/4, AD817, AD847, EL2020, EL2044 and LM6361 applications, provided that the nulling circuitry is removed. The suggested nulling circuit for the LT1220 is shown in the following figure. Layout and Passive Components The LT1220 amplifier is easy to apply and tolerant of less than ideal layouts. For maximum performance (for ex- ample, fast settling time) use a ground plane, short lead lengths and RF-quality bypass capacitors (0.01 µFto0.1µF). For high driver current applications use low ESR bypass capacitors (1 µF to 10µF tantalum). Sockets should be avoided when maximum frequency performance is re- quired, although low profile sockets can provide reason- able performance up to 50MHz. For more details see Design Note 50. Feedback resistors greater than 5k are not recommended because a pole is formed with the input capacitance which can cause peaking or oscillations. Offset Nulling LT1220 • AI01 V+ V– 0.1 µF 0.1 µF 5k 3 2 4 7 6 8 1 LT1220 + – |
Numéro de pièce similaire - LT1220 |
Description similaire - LT1220 |
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