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PCM54HP Fiches technique(PDF) 4 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
PCM54HP Fiches technique(HTML) 4 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
4 / 7 page ® PCM54/55 4 DISCUSSION OF SPECIFICATIONS The PCM54 and PCM55 are specified to provide critical performance criteria for a wide variety of applications. The most critical specifications for a D/A converter in audio applications are total harmonic distortion, differential linear- ity error, bipolar zero error, parameter shifts with time and temperature, and settling time effects on accuracy. The PCM54 and PCM55 are factory-trimmed and tested for all critical key specifications. The accuracy of a D/A converter is described by the transfer function shown in Figure 1. Digital input to analog output relationship is shown in Table I. The errors in the D/A converter are combinations of analog errors due to the linear circuitry, matching and tracking properties of the ladder and scaling networks, power supply rejection, and reference errors. In summary, these errors consist of initial errors including gain, offset, linearity, differential linearity, and power supply sensitivity. Gain drift over temperature rotates the line (Figure 1) about the bipolar zero point and offset drift shifts the line left or right over the operating tempera- ture range. Most of the offset and gain drift with temperature or time is due to the drift of the internal reference zener diode. The converter is designed so that these drifts are in opposite directions. This way, the bipolar zero voltage is virtually unaffected by variations in the reference voltage. DIGITAL INPUT CODES The PCM54 and PCM55 accept complementary digital input codes in any of three binary formats (CSB, unipolar; or COB, bipolar; or CTC, Complementary Two’s Comple- ment, bipolar). See Table II. Gain Drift Offset Drift Bipolar Zero –FSR/2 (+FSR/2) –1LSB Analog Output 0000…0000 0000…0001 0111…1101 0111…1110 0111…1111 1000…0000 1000…0001 1111…1110 1111…1111 All Bits On * See Table I for digital code definitions. FIGURE 1. Input vs Output for an Ideal Bipolar D/A Converter. ANALOG OUTPUT Digital Complementary Complementary Complementary Input Straight Binary Offset Binary Two’s Complement Codes (CSB) (COB) (CTS)(1) 0000H +Full Scale +Full Scale –1LSB 7FFFH +1/2 Full Scale Bipolar Zero –Full Scale 8000H +1/2 Full Scale –1LSB +Full Scale –1LSB FFFFH Zero –Full Scale Bipolar Zero NOTE: (1) Invert the MSB of the COB code with an external inverter to obtain CTC code. TABLE II. Digital Input Codes. BIPOLAR ZERO ERROR Initial Bipolar Zero (BPZ) error (Bit 1 “ON” and all other bits “OFF”) is the deviation from 0V out and is factory- trimmed to typically ±10mV at +25°C. DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY ERROR Differential Linearity Error (DLE) is the deviation from an ideal 1LSB change from one adjacent output state to the next. DLE is important in audio applications because exces- sive DLE at bipolar zero (at the “major carry”) can result in audible crossover distortion for low level output signals. Initial DLE on the PCM54 and PCM55 is factory-trimmed to typically ±0.001% of FSR. This error is adjustable to zero using the circuit shown in the connection diagram (PCM54 only). VOLTAGE OUTPUT MODE Analog Output Unipolar(1) Bipolar Digital Input Code 16-Bit 15-Bit 14-Bit 16-Bit 15-Bit 14-Bit One LSB ( µV) 91.6 183 366 91.6 183 366 0000H (V) +5.99991 +5.99982 +5.99963 +2.99991 +2.99982 +2.99963 FFFFH (V) 0 0 0 –3.0000 –3.0000 –3.0000 CURRENT OUTPUT MODE Analog Output Unipolar Bipolar Digital Input Code 16-Bit 15-Bit 14-Bit 16-Bit 15-Bit 14-Bit One LSB ( µA) 0.031 0.061 0.122 0.031 0.061 0.122 0000H (mA) –1.99997 –1.99994 –1.99988 –0.99997 –0.99994 –0.99988 FFFFH (mA) 0 0 0 +1.00000 +1.00000 +1.00000 NOTE: (1) +VCC must be at least +8.5VDC to allow output to swing to +6.0VDC. TABLE I. Digital Input to Analog Output Relationship. |
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