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DAC811 Fiches technique(PDF) 4 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
DAC811 Fiches technique(HTML) 4 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
4 / 9 page ® DAC811 4 TIMING DIAGRAMS DISCUSSION OF SPECIFICATIONS INPUT CODES The DAC811 accepts positive-true binary input codes. DAC811 may be connected by the user for any one of the following codes: USB (unipolar straight binary), BOB (bi- polar offset binary) or, using an external inverter on the MSB line, BTC (binary two’s complement). See Table I. DRIFT Gain drift is a measure of the change in the full scale range (FSR) output over the specification temperature range. Drift is expressed in parts per million per degree centigrade (ppm/ °C). Gain drift is established by testing the full scale range value (e.g., +FS minus –FS) at high temperature, +25 °C, and low temperature, calculating the error with respect to the +25 °C value, and dividing by the temperature change. Unipolar offset drift is a measure of the change in output with all 0s on the input over the specification temperature range. Offset is measured at high temperature, +25 °C, and low temperature. The offset drift is the maximum change in offset referred to the +25 °C value, divided by the tempera- ture change. It is expressed in parts per million of full scale range per degree centigrade (ppm of FSR/ °C). Bipolar zero drift is measured at a digital input of 80016, the code that gives zero volts output for bipolar operation. SETTLING TIME Settling time is the total time (including slew time) for the output to settle within an error band around its final value after a change in input. Three settling times are specified to ±0.01% of full scale range (FSR): two for maximum full scale range changes of 20V and 10V, and one for a 1LSB change. The 1LSB change is measured at the major carry (7FF16 to 80016 and 80016 to 7FF16), the input transition at which worst-case settling time occurs. REFERENCE SUPPLY DAC811 contains an on-chip 6.3V reference. This voltage (pin 28) has a tolerance of ±0.1V. The reference output may be used to drive external loads, sourcing at least 2mA. This current should be constant for best performance of the D/A converter. POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY Power supply sensitivity is a measure of the effect of a power supply change on the D/A converter output. It is defined as a percent of FSR output change per percent of change in either the positive, negative, or logic supply voltages about the nominal voltages. Figure 1 shows typical power supply rejection versus power supply ripple frequency. DIGITAL INPUT ANALOG OUTPUT USB BOB BTC(1) Unipolar Bipolar Binary Straight Offset Two’s Binary Binary Complement 111111111111 + Full Scale + Full Scale –1LSB 100000000000 + 1/2 Full Scale Zero – Full Scale 011111111111 + 1/2 Full Scale – 1LSB –1LSB + Full Scale 000000000000 Zero – Full Scale Zero NOTE: (1) Invert MSB of the BOB code with external inverter to obtain BTC code. MSB LSB ↓↓ TABLE I. Digital Input Codes. LINEARITY ERROR Linearity error as used in D/A converter specifications by Burr-Brown is the deviation of the analog output from a straight line drawn between the end points (inputs all 1s and all 0s). The DAC811 linearity error is specified at ±1/4LSB (max) at +25 °C for B and K grades, and ±1/2LSB (max) for A, J, and R grades. DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY ERROR Differential linearity error (DLE) is the deviation from a 1LSB output change from one adjacent state to the next. A DLE specification of 1/2LSB means that the output step size can range from 1/2LSB to 3/2LSB when the input changes from one state to the next. Monotonicity requires that DLE be less than 1LSB over the temperature range of interest. MONOTONICITY A D/A converter is monotonic if the output either increases or remains the same for increasing digital inputs. All grades of DAC811 are monotonic over their specification tempera- ture range. Load first rank from Data Bus: LDAC = 1 WR N t AW t DW t DH t WP A , NB , NC DB 11 –DB0 Write Cycle #1 t SET WR ±1/2LSB LDAC t AW t WP Load second rank from first rank: N A , N , N C B = 1 Write Cycle #2 |
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Description similaire - DAC811 |
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