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74ALVC164245 Fiches technique(PDF) 11 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
74ALVC164245 Fiches technique(HTML) 11 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
11 / 20 page 74ALVC164245_5 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2010. All rights reserved. Product data sheet Rev. 05 — 13 April 2010 11 of 20 NXP Semiconductors 74ALVC164245 16-bit dual supply translating transceiver; 3-state [1] All typical values are measured at nominal voltage for VCC(B) and VCC(A) and at Tamb =25 °C. [2] tpd is the same as tPLH and tPHL. ten is the same as tPZL and tPZH. tdis is the same as tPLZ and tPHZ. [3] CPD is used to determine the dynamic power dissipation (PD in μW). PD =CPD × VCC2 × fi × N+ Σ(CL × VCC2 × fo) where: fi = input frequency in MHz; fo = output frequency in MHz; CL = output load capacitance in pF; VCC = supply voltage in V; N = number of inputs switching; Σ(C L × VCC 2 × f o) = sum of outputs. [4] The condition is VI = GND to VCC. 11. AC waveforms CPD power dissipation capacitance 5 V port: nAn to nBn; VCC(B) = 5 V; VCC(A) = 3.3 V [3][4] outputs enabled - 30 - - - pF outputs disabled - 15 - - - pF 3 V port: nBn to nAn; VCC(B) = 5 V; VCC(A) = 3.3 V [3][4] outputs enabled - 40 - - - pF outputs disabled - 5 - - - pF Table 7. Dynamic characteristics …continued GND = 0 V; tr = tf ≤ 2.5 ns; CL = 50 pF; for test circuit see Figure 7. Symbol Parameter Conditions Tamb = −40 °C to +85 °C Tamb = −40 °C to +125 °C Unit Min Typ[1] Max Min Max Measurement points are given in Table 8. VOL and VOH are typical output voltage levels that occur with the output load. Fig 5. Input (nAn, nBn) to output (nBn, nAn) propagation delays 001aaa792 nAn, nBn input nBn, nAn output tPHL tPLH GND VI VM VM VOH VOL |
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