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E01004011I7400361AN Fiches technique(PDF) 9 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
E01004011I7400361AN Fiches technique(HTML) 9 Page - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers |
9 / 23 page ![]() E Ink Holdings Inc. ED060SC7 6.Electrical Characteristics 6-1) Absolute maximum rating Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Logic Supply Voltage VDD -0.3 to +7 V Positive Supply Voltage VPOS -0.3 to +18 V Negative Supply Voltage VNEG +0.3 to -18 V Max .Drive Voltage Range VPOS - VNEG 36 V Supply Voltage VGG -0.3 to +45 V Supply Voltage VEE -25.0 to +0.3 V Supply Range VGG-VEE -0.3 to +45 V Operating Temp. Range TOTR 0 to +50 ℃ Storage Temperature TSTG -25 to +70 ℃ 6-2) Panel DC characteristics Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Signal ground VSS - 0 - V VDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Logic Voltage supply IVDD VDD=3.3V - 1.05 3.15 mA VEE -21 -20 -19 V Gate Negative supply IEE VEE =-20V - 0.8 2.4 mA VGG 21 22 23 V Gate Positive supply IGG VGG = 22V - 0.8 2.4 mA VNEG -15.4 -15 -14.6 V Source Negative supply INEG VNEG = -15V - 18 36 mA VPOS 14.6 15 15.4 V Source Positive supply IPOS VPOS = 15V - 16 32 mA VPOS = 15V 14.6 15 15.4 V Border supply VBorder VNEG = -15V -15.4 -15 -14.6 V Asymmetry source VAsym VPOS+VNEG -800 0 800 mV VCOM -2.5 Adjusted -0.3 V Common voltage ICOM - 0.25 - mA Maximum power panel PMAX - - 1131 mW Standby power panel PSTBY - - 0.4 mW Typical power panel PTYP - 547 - mW Operating temperature 0 - 50 ℃ Storage temperature -25 - 70 ℃ The information contained herein is the exclusive property of E Ink Holdings Inc., and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of E Ink Holdings Inc. PAGE:9 P-511-608(V:2) |
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