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LED Fiches technique, PDF

KEC(Korea Electronics)(7)Kersemi Electronic Co., Ltd.(2)Keysight Technologies(1)Kinetic Technologies.(37)Kingbor Technology Co(7)Kingbright Corporation(1778)KODENSHI_AUK CORP.(289)Kyocera Kinseki Corpotation(42)LDT Co., Ltd(17)Leadtrend Technology(14)Ledil, Inc.(3)LEDTRONICS, INC(4)Leshan Radio Company(2)Level One(2)LG Semicon Co.,Ltd.(3)LightKey Optoelectronics Ltd.(141)LIGITEK electronics co., ltd.(4884)Lineage Power Corporation(1)Linear Dimensions Semiconductor(6)Linear Integrated Systems(7)Linear Technology(180)Linkage Goston Electronics Co., LTD(72)LinkCom Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(59)List of Unclassifed Manufacturers(289)List of Unclassifed Manufacturers(574)Lite-On Technology Corporation(810)Littelfuse(16)Lowpower Semiconductor inc(13)Lucky Light Electronic(694)LUMEX INC.(2385)Lumileds Lighting Company(41)Lumins Inc.(24)Luminus, Inc(94)Luna Innovations Incorporated(4)LUXPIA(41)M.S. Kennedy Corporation(6)M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.(3)MagnaChip Semiconductor.(18)Major-Power Technology Co., LTD.(6)Mallory Sonalert Products Inc(2)Marktech Corporate(891)Marl International Limited(195)Maxic Technology Corporation(135)Maxim Integrated Products(196)Mean Well Enterprises Co., Ltd.(187)Melexis Microelectronic Systems(2)METZ CONNECT GmbH(1)Micrel Semiconductor(47)Micro Analog systems(3)Micro Electronics(320)Micro Linear Corporation(2)Microchip Technology(42)Micropac Industries(11)MicroPower Direct, LLC(11)Microsemi Corporation(27)Mini-Circuits(1)Minilogic Device Corporation Limited(2)Mitel Networks Corporation(22)Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor(6)Mitsumi Electronics, Corp.(4)Molex Electronics Ltd.(282)Molex Electronics Ltd.(33)Molex Electronics Ltd.(1)Molex Electronics Ltd.(12)Molex Electronics Ltd.(1)Molex Electronics Ltd.(6)Molex Electronics Ltd.(19)Monolithic Power Systems(194)MORNSUN Science& Technology Ltd.(6)MOSDESIGN SEMICONDUCTOR CORP(20)Motorola, Inc(7)Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd(10)Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(21)Murata Power Solutions Inc.(44)MY-SEMI INC.(15)Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.(1)National Semiconductor (TI)(111)NEC(3)New Japan Radio(14)Newhaven Display International, Inc.(2)Nexperia B.V. All rights reserved(15)NIC-Components Corp.(5)NICHIA CORPORATION(676)Nihon Kaiheiki Industry Co. Ltd.(3)Ningbo Foryard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.(1137)Nippon Precision Circuits Inc(13)NTE Electronics(75)NXP Semiconductors(44)NXP Semiconductors(65)Ohmite Mfg. Co.(2)Okaya Electric America, Inc.(1)OKI electronic componets(3)Omron Electronics LLC(8)ON Semiconductor(278)OPTEK Technologies(92)Opto Electronics Co,. LTD(9)OptoDiode Corp(17)OptoSupply International(1980)Orister Corporation(1)OSA Opto Light GmbH(94)OSRAM GmbH(152)
Mot-clé recherché : 'led' - Totale: 10 (1/1) Pages
FabricantNo de pièceFiches techniqueDescription
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Murata Manufacturing Co...
NFZ2HBM110SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
NFZ2HBM1R5SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM330SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM4R4SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM2R9SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM600SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM6R1SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM170SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM240SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022
NFZ2HBM8R4SN10 Datasheet pdf image
NFZ2HBM series is designed to suppress radiation noise from the LED power line around the frequency range from 30MHz to 200MHz.
Last updated07/18/2022



Qu'est-ce que led

Une LED (diode électroluminescente) est un dispositif de semi-conducteur qui émet une lumière lorsqu'un courant électrique le passe.

Les LED sont généralement fabriquées à partir d'un matériau appelé nitrure de gallium (GAN) et peuvent être utilisés pour une large gamme d'applications telles que les lumières indicateurs, les écrans et l'éclairage.

Ils sont connus pour leur longue durée de vie, leur faible consommation d'énergie et leur commutation rapide.

Les LED sont disponibles dans une variété de couleurs, y compris le rouge, le vert, le bleu et le blanc. De plus, ils sont également largement utilisés dans les appareils électroniques tels que les smartphones, les téléviseurs et les ordinateurs, ainsi que dans les applications automobiles et industrielles telles que les feux de circulation et les lampadaires.

*Ces informations sont fournies à titre informatif uniquement, nous ne serons pas responsables des pertes ou dommages causés par les informations ci-dessus.

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